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Newsletter: Inclusive Insights & Access Tips

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Issue 11 | August 2024
Technology Infused MTSS

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework that provides varying levels of educational support to ensure student success through necessary interventions. Defined by
the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), MTSS encompasses a continuum of evidence-based practices, addressing students’ needs through regular monitoring and data-driven decision-making.


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Issue 10 | July 2024
Assistive AI: Transforming Inclusive Education

In this edition, we are excited to explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in personalizing learning experiences for students with diverse needs. AI has the potential to generate tailored support, fostering inclusivity, and enhancing engagement for all learners.



Issue 9 | June 2024
Summer Learning with Assistive Tech

As the school year winds down and summer adventures begin, we’re excited to share tips and tricks to keep kids learning wherever they go. Whether you’re heading to the beach, camping in the mountains, or exploring your local park, learning and creativity can be part of the journey.


News - May
Issue 8 | May 2024
Seeing Success: Supports for Students with Blindness and Low Vision

Explore a wealth of resources tailored to support educators working with low vision or blind learners. This network of contacts is available to aid in fostering inclusive practices by empowering educators with training and equipment and promoting accessibility for all learners.


news April

Issue 7 | Apr 2024
Pathways to Inclusion: Harnessing Assistive Technology in Autism Acceptance Month

April is Autism Acceptance month; therefore, this newsletter is dedicated to highlighting the critical role of assistive technology in supporting autistic students and promoting inclusive practices within educational settings.


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Issue 6 | Mar 2024
Key Guidance on Assistive Technology Myths and Facts

In January, the Office of Special Education Programs and the Office of Education Technology issued important guidance on Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services. In this issue of the newsletter, we zoom in on this guidance and share resources to support school districts.


Issue 5 | Feb 2024
Igniting a Love of Reading

Educators hold the key to igniting a lifelong passion for reading, as emphasized by Kathryn Starke in “Developing a Love of Reading in Students”. Motivation to read can arise from exposure to representative texts, diverse genres, and the use of audiobooks, graphic novels, and switch- accessible texts.



Issue 4 | Jan 2024

Tools and Strategies to Support Inclusive STEM Instruction

Enhancing math and science instruction by ensuring the active participation of all students.



Issue 3 | Dec 2023

Empowering Inclusive Learning Through Alternative Writing Access

Building a truly inclusive classroom involves recognizing and embracing the various ways in which students express their ideas.



Issue 2 | Nov 2023
Wrapping Up Augmentative Alternative Communication
Awareness Month Language

As we conclude AAC Awareness month, we are reminded of the pivotal role AAC plays in fostering inclusivity within the realm of education. AAC not only supports students with disabilities, but also enhances the overall classroom experience by promoting empathy, understanding, and acceptance among peers.


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Issue 1 | Oct 2023
Visually Representing

Imagine if real life had captions? What if all classrooms had multiple ways to represent spoken words? Think of all the students who could benefit from language being represented visually! 
