Special Education
Technology Center
Inclusive Insights & Access Tips
Issue 7 | Apr 2024
Pathways to Inclusion: Harnessing Assistive Technology in Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance month; therefore, this newsletter is dedicated to highlighting the critical role of assistive technology in supporting autistic students and promoting inclusive practices within educational settings. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of special education, it becomes increasingly evident that access to assistive technology is not merely advantageous but essential for fostering an inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive. For autistic students, assistive technology serves as a powerful tool to support communication, enhance learning experiences, and unlock potential. By embracing assistive technology solutions tailored to individual needs, educators and caregivers can cultivate an environment that celebrates neurodiversity and fosters meaningful inclusion for every student.
Promoting Inclusive
Practices in Autistic
Communication Support
It is critical educators understand that autistic communication may differ from the more “traditional” and analytic language style of the neuro-majority. Learning about gestalt language processing, part-time AAC use, and declarative language is very important for supporting your autistic students. Also, several AAC app companies offer discounts during April. Thank you to Lauren Enders for creating a full list of app sales!
AT Tools for Enhancing Executive Function Skills
Tailored solutions to enhance organization, time management, and task completion play a pivotal role in supporting executive functioning skills. The Pictello app allows students to create and share visual social stories and schedules. Choiceworks is a customizable tool that helps students complete daily routines, understand and manage feelings, and improve waiting skills. GoVisual is an engaging tool that can be used to create visual scene displays. Finally, this handout has many ideas for student-centered strategies for executive function.
Podcast Spotlight: Insights from Parents of Autistic Children
In this Awe and Wonder podcast episode, Nikki and Joanna, two parents of Autistic sons, share their stories along with strategies and advice for other parents and educators of autistic children. Some highlights include using multiple tools during moments of dysregulation, advocating for your needs and rights in the school setting, fostering relationships, and presuming potential.
New & Notable
Upcoming Webinars:
04/09 AAC Q & A: Assessment & Implementation
04/11 Inclusive Learning Chatter: Creating Learning Spaces for Diverse Learners
04/17 Equatio & Mathspace is out of this world!
Comprehensive Literacy for All “Book Nook” featured books of the month:
Conventional literacy level: “Just Ask”
Emergent literacy level: “In the Tall Tall Grass”