Are you ready to open up literacy experiences for your students with complex communication needs? Join educators in Washington State who believe that reading and writing is possible for students with complex communication needs. During this two-day retreat we will gather as small groups to explore evidenced based strategies for emergent literacy learners paired with assistive technology and AAC tools to create inclusive literacy opportunities.
AAC Implementation Strategies for Nurturing Communicative Autonomy and Self-Expression
Communication for Students with Complex Needs: The Key to Success (Deaf-Blind focus)
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Date: Begins Sep 25th, 2024 Class Details | Class Link Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm | 13 sessions Presenter: Emma Packard, Teacher of Blind/Low-Vision Learners and Kathee Scoggin, Deaf/Blind Consultant Cost: FREE Equity | Clock Hours Clock Hours and ACVREP credits are available for a small fee.