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Many students with special needs encounter learning obstacles that can be eliminated or minimized through assistive technology. SETC staff can support your school teams with guidance around selection, trial, and implementation of assistive technology (AT).  The SETC staff are also equipped to support technology decisions at the classroom, building, and district-level through the lens of inclusive practices and the Universal Design for Learning.

School district personnel may request assistance from the SETC when they feel that a student’s learning potential is hindered by a disability-related barrier. The barrier may limit a student’s access to curricula or classroom activities or may interfere with the student’s ability to express what he/she has learned.

What is a Consultation?

A consultation is an opportunity for the school team to meet with SETC staff to discuss and consider current assistive technology tools and strategies to support a student or classroom.  A consultation is not an assistive technology evaluation or assessment.  This process does not result in prescription, nor does the process provide a letter of justification required for Medicaid funding for augmentative and alternative communication or other assistive technology tools.  The school team is encouraged to take notes during the consultation and will be provided with follow-up email with links to tools and resources discussed during the consultation.  No formal report follows the consultation.

Starting April 1st 2024, free technical assistance can be provided in the form of a phone call or email.  Utilize the form below to request support. SETC Technical Assistance involves providing educators, administrators, and parents with resources.  

If you require more targeted and intensive support for your school team, SETC Consultation services are available for a fee.

Formats and Pricing

  • Free 30 minute Tech Assist 
  • Virtual consultation with the school team ($400, includes 3 hours of SETC services & follow-up support)
  • In-person consultation at the school site ($1000, includes 3 hours of SETC services & follow-up support)
  • SETC Pricing list link
  • Make a Payment

Request a Consult

  • Fill out the online consultation request form below. Or print and fill it out manually (PDF Consult Request Form)
  • Submit a video of the student per the instructions below. Send the video via email to
  • Upon completion of the consultation form email
  • SETC will contact you within 2 weeks of submitting a consultation request

Video Submission Instructions

Be sure to fill out a Photo/Video Release Form before you take pictures and video of your student.
We recommend the use of our Video Planning Worksheet.

At this time, tech assist and consultation requests will be put on a waitlist and addressed in Fall 2024. Thank you for your patience.