Special Education
Technology Center
Inclusive Insights & Access Tips
Issue 2 | Nov 2023
Wrapping Up Augmentative Alternative Communication Awareness Month
As we conclude AAC Awareness month, we are reminded of the pivotal role AAC plays in fostering inclusivity within the realm of education. By using AAC, individuals with speech or communication challenges are empowered to express themselves effectively, breaking down barriers to participation in inclusive educational settings. AAC not only supports students with disabilities, but also enhances the overall classroom experience by promoting empathy, understanding, and acceptance among peers. It emphasizes the idea that everyone, regardless of their communication modality, has the right to engage actively in their educational journey, pursuit of knowledge, and social interactions
Getting Started
with AAC
If you are just getting started with AAC, Dr. Joy Zabala’s SETT framework can be helpful for guiding your team through collaborative decision making. PrAACtical AAC has a ton of searchable resources and blogs. And finally, we have many supports at SETC such as our free 30-minute Tech Assist and AAC Q&A sessions!
Amplifying AAC in General Education
Successful use of AAC in the gen ed environment may take some practice and thoughtful planning. Check out this short video explaining three tips to successful implementation including: consistent access to AAC, asking your student how they want to answer questions and participate, and facilitating and encouraging peer partnership.
In Series 1, episode 4 of the SETC Awe and Wonder Podcast , life skills teacher Kaylee Hull describes her pursuit of AAC for a new kindergarten student. After hearing a specialist recommend that they start with Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Kaylee’s skepticism took her on a quest to find access to more robust AAC. New & Notable
- Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum – Book Study
- SETC Literacy Retreat: Learn, Collaborate, & Create
- AAC Q & A: Assessment & Implementation
- Awe and Wonder: AAC & AT Podcast – Series 3 – Literacy
Checkout tips & webinar recordings on the SETC YouTube Channel, including Augmentative Alternative Communication Playlist