Issue 12 | September 2024
Special Education Technology
Inclusive Insights & Access Tips

Get to know SETC
Imagine a classroom where every student, regardless of ability, has the tools to fully participate and thrive— technology is often the key! While some students require assistive technology (AT) tools to reduce barriers to learning, others excel with built-in tech tools.
The Special Education Technology Center offers training , an AT lending library, and consultation services to help connect parents and educators to find the right technology to support students with disabilities, ages 3 to 22. As a partner in the Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN), we collaborate with educators and families to create equitable, meaningful, and inclusive learning experiences. SETC’s work integrates technology with key statewide initiatives like Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and MultiTiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Our team, led by director Kristin Leslie and Program Coordinator Sue Wright, includes AT specialists with backgrounds in teaching, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology. Our team also includes, Office Assistant Joyful Opara, Computer Programmer Dima Manchurak, and Student Technician, Sam. This year we welcome two new student employees, Adam and Awjahney, as our AT lending library clerks. Together, SETC is committed to supporting schools in creating inclusive learning environments through the use of technology.
Mark your calendar
More information and link to register
Classes & Series
- 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/23 : Communication for students with complex needs: The key to success (Deaf-blind focus)
- 10/3: AAC collaboration corner: AAC 101 10/8: Communication workgroup: Blending perspectives on vision, speech & motor
- 10/2: Inclusion in action: Helping your students get 100s of switch hits all day, every day
- 10/4: Brainstorming and writing with Clicker
- 10/7: Cultivating the orientation of cultural humility
- 10/9: Empowering all learners: Unlocking writing potential with Book Creator’s accessibility and language features
- 10/10: Technology tools for STEM to reach all learners
- 10/15: Efficiency unleashed: Leveraging ChatGPT for special education teachers
- 10/16: AT chatter: Myth-busting- AT Devices & Services
- 10/17: Study skills apps
- 10/22: Vision accommodations for state testing: SBAC and WA-AIM testing
Book Study
- 10/10, 10/24: The Shift to Student Led
- Artificial Intelligence Innovation Summit
10/16-18- Seatac and 10/17-19- Spokane - 10/29 and 10/30: Inclusive Learning
Summit (Lynnwood)
AI in action
This video from Danae Place, a parent and
educator in Washington state, demonstrates how
educators can use AI to modify work for students.
Using ChatGPT, educators can simplify text and
provide prompts for student responses. Danae
gives examples of prompts to support this process
by showing how it is used to support inclusion for
her son at school.
Highlight reel
SETC regularly adds innovative equipment to its lending library. Be on the lookout for some new adaptive gaming equipment including this PlayStation 5 access controller!

Access for all
Closed captioning enhances inclusivity by providing equal access to content for students with hearing impairments, English language learners, and those needing visual reinforcement. It supports comprehension, engagement, and ensures all students can fully participate in the learning experience. Learn how to enable captioning in Google slides, PowerPoint, and iOS.
Book nook

The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be by
Joanna Gaines is a simply written book that
celebrates how we all do things differently, and
how beautiful the result is. This book utilizes a lot
of Core Vocabulary.
I Promise by LeBron James provides a positive start to the school year, as students commit to their own success. And a little basketball star power doesn’t hurt! The book utilizes Repetitive Text. A few Clicker Grid Sets are available too.