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AT Accommodations on State Testing

AT Accommodations on Washington State Testing – 2024 Updates Handout

Presentation on State Testing

Accommodations today have myself Kristen Lesley the director of the specialed tech center we have Rose Rosco on also from the special ed tech center Cara and Tony you want to introduce yourselves hi I’m Tony wheeler the director of assessment development here at OPI hi I’m Cara Todd I work on Tony’s team here in the assessment development office at OPI well today you’re going to see a lot of demonstration of tools we’re going to be C C in smarter balanced um both the ELA and math and science assessments here you see it them by grade levels and you can see the full timelines and the calendar of testing State Testing at the link so first off we wanted to start by talking about at devices and services some of you may know that there was some new guidance released from the office of special education programs and the Office of Education technology around at devices and services we’re going to share that resource today but we know that for the individuals with disability Education Act we have Assist of technology devices and services defined and they are to help to increase maintain or improve the functional capabilities of students eligible for special education and this is an order to access a free and appropriate public education in the guidance that recently came out one of the myths number one is that assisted technology should only be considered at some individual education program team meetings the fact is that each time the IEP team meets to develop review revise a child’s IEP that IEP team must consider whether assistive technology is required and that’s both at devices and at Services the IP team must thoughtfully consider if at devices and services are required to support the student in their educational environment and they must document this in the IEP and so it’s documented under the special factors and it could also be noted in other places in the IEP we need to be reflecting in that special factors if it’s required or not we need to be asking ourselves specifically related to that student is that assisted technology required for that student to access their general education curriculum or to make progress on their IEP goals and towards State Standards so we want to clearly document with data and so just giving an example say you have a student who’s at the fifth grade level they’re reading at the third grade level so we would want that student their typical performance to access that grade level content at the fifth grade level and so that’s where we want them to be and the current performance might be that their testing shows that when they access it on their own without those at accommodations the comprehension scores are at the third grade level right so we take some data showing that when we Implement text to speeech the student can comprehend maybe at the fourth or fifth grade level and that data helps us make that informed decision at the IEP meeting that that student requires assist of technology in the form of text to speech so we’re identifying the accommodation needed and then we’re documenting we are documenting that again in that special factors area but also it may be listed on the accommodations page because you’re needing to include where does that student need the accommodation when do they need the accommodation also including well need it during testing to access the text briefly we just wanted to mention accommodations versus modifications so accommodations being how the content is presented so that the student can access the grade level content and also this is least restrictive than a modification and it should be that initial consideration there’s four types of accommodations The Way We Were presenting the information perhaps the way the student is responding they could they maybe they need to use the speech to text or word prediction it could be around timing needing additional timing um scheduling or or even the setting that they are U needing that accommodation modification refers to what the student is expected to learn that’s curricular modifications can be appropriate for when students have more significant disabilities and we’re changing what is taught so this is this is not as frequent as accommodations another myth from the new guidance from oep is around State Testing and it’s myth 8 at cannot be used for participation in State academic assessment and then the fact is that elementary and secondary Education Act requires states to provide the appropriate accommodations which includes the use of at devices for students with disabilities as part of their state assessment and that is why we’re here today and just so you know around that myths and and facts document the special ed tech center is going to be diving into each myth and fact and providing some additional resources in our Tuesday tips so you can check those out because there I think there’s 28 or 29 tips around assist of Technology this page really is what resources are out there and what you should you be Consulting so the guidelines for State Testing we call them Washington calls them the guidelines on tool supports and accommodations for State Testing the link is on to our WAP portal where we keep these now I will let you know that smarter balanced also has a version our version is derived from Smarter Balance but I would say lean towards our version because we have more stuff so for smarter balanced we have to all the states have to agree um there are some things that we in Washington have approved and our version also includes science so this is going to be more applicable to you additionally there’s a link for the accessibility supports page on our wcap portal which has some nice resources for considering ing what might be appropriate for students the actual document is linked there as well and then what of our fabulous how do you go about trying out speech to text with your students is linked there as well so um our oneoff assessment is really around our English language proficiency assessment um I will we will not spend a lot of time talking about that but weda does have its very own accessibility manual and um accommodation policies are set at the test level which is why you sometimes will see variation between content areas or cross tests so this is where you need to go to get information for students with disabilities who are also multilingual Learners participating in the waeda assessment specific to assist assistive technology we have a couple resources for you cambium who is our test vendor their assist assistive technology manual which will go through some of the most common assistive Technologies and what is operable within the secure browser what is new for this school year for math Ela and science the biggest thing is that there is now Spanish text to speech available for math and science tests and I’ll show you that a little bit later is that the Spanish presentation of math and science test now has two different display options the new option is where students can switch between only seeing Spanish on the screen or they can hit a button and they can see all of the test content in um in English um the buttons and stuff are still in Spanish so like the people have called it the skin or the framing of it is still in Spanish because um the assumption is that the student really does need a Spanish test but they can switch back and forth between the two of them and that’s the default if they uh if the student really prefers to have what we previously had available where there was Spanish first and then English below that that is also available to be turned on if the student um wants to use that one the next big thing and you guys are actually the first audience we’re telling is that the text to speech and the ASL buttons are now more visible I’ll show you those in just a moment and that was was a was asked for by lots of teachers because um teachers who had the ASL videos or had text to speech it was just a lot of clicks and so um and so we’ve moved that out and I’ll show you where that is now we also have printed online English test directions are available for ELA math and science tests if students need to read those along with um with the TA who’s leading them through the login process and Bluetooth hearing aids are now included in the definition of medical supports and that’s really important because a lot of of students their hearing aids are Bluetooth now and so if they want to hear the listen ing passage or hear the text to speech then they had the Bluetooth hearing aids and we we have to have to be really clear the Bluetooth hearing aids is a designated support for designated support is available for any student who has a demonstrated need and in the Bluetooth hearing aids that’s that’s different than the headphones that the student uses to listen to the ELA um listening passages Bluetooth headphones are um are not allowed for for that we’re going to update one of our documents we had a lot of students listening to their phones on their Bluetooth headphones and that causes a test instant and their their score um can be impacted by that and so think about the medical support when you’re thinking about the Bluetooth hearing aid not Bluetooth headphones who qualifies for the Spanish presentation of the test this can be any student the student does not have to be in El programming in order to get this a student who is who maybe was in English language development services as a kindergarten first grader and second grader they they you know pass out a program they’re not getting ELD Support Services anymore for that language development but they’re but they’re still good with um with seeing and hearing Spanish they can absolutely have um access to the Spanish version of the math or science test and it can be a student who who never tested into ELD service they are just bilingual and they can access the the content in in Spanish as well there’s a whole process and Tony and I have a um a whole series um called using the guidelines tools and supports and accommodations where we talk about how you identify for students students for these and we’ll talk a little bit more as we go through today about how you would identify students for getting one of these one of the things that are designated Sports some of these on the screen are accommodations and some of them are designated supports I’m going to show you textt to speech and word prediction so text to speech being most of the time it’s a designated support word prediction is an accommodation and I’m also going to show you ASL as an accommodation so this is the context menu where other buttons and tools are but now if a student has ASL videos it’s right there for them it’s right next to that menu and if they have text to speech it’s right next to that and they would do speak what is the area in square feet of the ceiling actually tracking along with this with what it’s saying and then over here on the passage side of the screen um again there is the ASL video um and the student can make this bigger they can make it smaller they can stop wants to to paint her room she wants to paint the ceiling White and The Four Walls purple and I can stop it speaking um and when you’re in the actual secure browser there’s more students can do they can um you can like select some text oh there it did it’ll do it here um and they can have it just speak that part they want have repeated for themselves so um I just I wanted you to see that the the visibility of those and then I also said I would show you word prediction what about leting up and slowing down sound once you’re within the test you can um do that you can change the text to speech settings here um so you could change the the rate or the um and you can change the pitch as well you can do this also during the login process you have to pass a technology test to make sure it works and before it’ll let you before the test will let you go in but you can also do it and so it’s this little Cog system set settings button right up here here it’s built in now and um and so I I can start typing and if I [Music] um just pick a number and or I can click on just starts typing so it’s not going to it’s not going to predict ahead for me it’s not going to suggest my next word for me it’s just going to suggest it’s just going to um give me the um the word the current word that I’m working on so this is embedded and the student can use that to help them type faster if they need to Cara the question was can you hover over the words to hear them oh so because I enabled this test for text to speech student responses I can do that and so I this is this little text speech here um so the word prediction is still showing up but but those are two separate things you have to turn on they are not together they’re two separate things um so is that just after they’ve um inputed text then they can hear what they inputed for word prediction they can hover over the word prediction words to hear them before they select no okay do that yeah so they can only um they would only be able to um can’t do anything in this box itself you can’t well you can only select it like that it’s because it’s word prediction and the text to speech student responses that I have them both on that that I can do this demonstrations in a little bit quickly how you got to word prediction this would be a student setting if it is set in our test information delivery system for the student whenever they have an open response SP box if it is set for them then they will see it and I will show you a little bit later how to find it in our practice tests so that you can try it out yep okay so this is our big theoretical framework of how supports function for State Testing so what’s important to note is we have two sides of this so we have things that are embedded so these are things that are readily available within the students test setting when they sit down and have to be some things are already there some things have to be turned on and then we have things that are non-embedded and I call those somebody’s got to bring something for the student to do so a thing like speech to text is embedded has an embedded option but the Scribe would be a non-embedded like a student can enable an access a scribe in the test platform that’s a human somebody has to arrange for the human to be there with the student so there’s embedded and non-embedded some supports you will have an embedded version so speech to text is embedded but we also have students who use outside software so we would consider that non-embedded as well so it gets kind of tricky additionally you’ll see that we have three tiers of supports so our first tier we call Universal tools these are the things that are available to any student they are in the platform the student has 100% autonomy of whether or not they choose to use those here two is designated supports and these are for any student with an identified need as determined by a familiar person with the student so what’s the difference there it’s another level if it’s embedded or non-embedded somebody’s got to do something to support the student so if it’s embedded somebody’s got to turn it on if it’s non embedded someone’s got to make arrangements to provide it but that does not require any formal documentation so it does not require that the student have a learning plan or an IEP or a 504 it does not require that it’s just an identified need by an adult familiar with the student and then that third tier is our accommodations and these are those things only available to students who have that formal documentation of an IEP or 504 regardless of which tier the support lives in OSI will always encourage that districts and Educators engage in a process for determining supports with the student voice included in that and um car talked a little bit about translations and how we have some different views of them now right we have this toggle option or we have this stacked option so really we’re starting to see in this area of universal tools accommodations where there’s a preference in here right like how does the student best access that is is decked on top of each other the best for the student or toggling back and forth so that is why we will always support and praise any process you can put into place that encourages students especially at designated supports and accommodations levels to try out the support in a secure browser and then evaluate the effectiveness of that support including student in there and accounting for preference because how text dis speech renders as the embedded support may be vastly different than what it sounds like for a student using it instructionally to all students including those receiving designated supports and those re receiving accommodations it really is student preference um they choose just kind of like on a Word document you choose if you want to use the heading structure you choose when or if you want to bold you choose when or if you want to zoom in or not but what’s important to note is if you have students where the highlighter might be a distraction you can also go in and turn it off so Universal tools are always going to be turned on but somebody can make the decision to turn that off for a student so it is important to note text to speech and Speech to Text are currently not Universal tools these are not things that every student needs they may use but is not something everybody so this is an example of the zoom tool so students can choose to zoom in or zoom out on an item at any time this if you go to any of the practice tests this is how students can try out some of those tools ahead of time for familiarity we want them to be familiar with how these things function in a test platform which may be different than how it functions with what they’re used to doing maybe on their device or in whatever online platforms students are utilizing during instruction and and I’m going to say the designated supports list is a lot longer I couldn’t fit it all on the screen um and those um I I chose to show the the default with everything that’s in the Universal tools shows as on and anything in the designated supports and accommodations shows as off but there are you can toggle and use um dropdown menus in each of those to to set up those settings which is how I got all of those things turned on the on the practice test and I do recommend using the a math practice performance task to try things initially with students because that will give you access to the most tools and then um there are some things that are um that function like some things that are available on math are not available on Ela um but and but most of the things available on math are available on science and so this is a great place to start and then um once the students decided then have them practice on the other ones with what’s actually available on those designated support this is that second tier of supports the use of designated supports is made at the individual student level so if districts call us and say hey we have a fourth grade teacher who wants to give X to every kid with purple hair we will discourage that practice we want all decisions to be made at that individual student level regardless of which tiers they fall in so the use of designated supports is made at the individual student level our guidance is that the decision should made by adults who have knowledge of possible student needs working with the parents Andor students to make explicit decisions so the best practice is consistent determination of a process as or determination process as a group who knows the student including parent um these do need to be identified prior to testing um I think it begs the question that if you’re thinking a kid needs it 5 minutes after they’ve sat down to test then they probably don’t don’t need it unless it was an oversight in which you might need to investigate processes um student does not need to have an IEP or 504 text to speech is an embedded support for some content areas so as a designated support it’s available absolutely at all the science tests absolutely all the math tests on Ela it’s complicated Ela performance task absolutely all of it Ela cash it’s available on the reading passages for the reading questions gribe is also a designated support as non-embedded oh so this was um just a a showing you how that um that text to speech works you would first click that speaker button next to the little called the hamburger menu the three lines and then you hit the speak Passage or speak question and then the um the side was showing that when you click on the gears that’s when the system settings shows up again to adjust the volume pitch and rate you could also adjust those within the login process and um please note that the English text of speech will use whatever voice is available on your computer this is something that one of the reasons you want students to try it out um because text to speech with in the secure browser is not like any of the programs that my third grade son listens to books on it just does not sound the same David’s voice sometimes annoys people um so if so you might need to find that out ahead of time and it really does not it doesn’t sound like an audible reading a book to you it’s really diff difficult sometimes and it’s sometimes it pauses in weird places and some people can do that and some people can’t and so um that’s why we really encourage discourage everybody with purple getting it and encourage everybody to try it out to see how it goes actually within um the test engine um before making that decision so the text to speech sound check has to be completed before a student can get into the test um this is new this year if a student has um just an English presentation of the test and they have text to speech they’ll get the the sound check that’s on the left here and they have to um the Cur they can change the current voice pack mine always goes to David but they could change that if there’s another voice pack that the student prefers that’s been loaded on the machine that would be the place to change that and then they would press the speaker button and then you keep it’s a really faint right now because I didn’t press the speaker button yet um you have to press the speaker button this is that place where you can adjust adjust the volume pitch and rate and then they they click that I hear the voice if the student has the Spanish presentation of the math or science test they will actually first get this the um one that’s on the right that shows this text to speech sound check in the Spanish and my machine has Rahul on it I can also change it to another one but you first have to um do it in do it in with the Spanish voice pack and once I click the green button at the bottom then it will flip to my English voice pack and then David will show up in that line everything else will look the same so you have to actually go through two text to speech sound checks if you have the Spanish if the m and if you’re supposed to have a Spanish math or science test and the secure browser cannot find a Spanish voice pack on your machine you cannot go any further so that’s something for technology directors to make sure especially if you have Windows machines that um if students have that Spanish test and um the text to speech that they have that on a machine we suggest you maybe have a couple spare machines if something goes wrong with the kids test so that couple spare machines that have the Spanish voice pack downloaded and there’s directions in that those um technology guides that Tony talked about a little bit earlier for how to do this I’m going to do a demo of the Spanish presentation choices and the Spanish text to speech again the first place use a math practice performance task you can also do a w cast the science training test um if the students in grades five 8 or 11 so when you get to the screen that shows the settings you’re going to change the presentation to spam and then the whole screen will change to Spanish this why I provided the screenshot here and then the text of at the bottom this says math stimuli and items it is the only thing on that screen will not be in that will not be in Spanish that gets you the text of speech for the stimulant items um and then the the one at the bottom where it says c um that that text of speech has the student responses I can work towards Rachel’s question do they sound check for each area of the assess assment I believe the answer is yes and then anytime the student logs out and then logs back in yeah so anytime they leave the system and come back which would be any section of the test not section but session yeah any test s yeah yep any test session anytime they have to go through the login process they have to do that that check yes so I’ve already done it for this one um now Google is super helpful because I’m in Chrome the first time I get to this it asks me if I want to translate this page back to English so I always have to tell students don’t do that because the secure browser won’t do that but I am in Spanish math performance task it’s all in Spanish it’s all in Spanish if I want to see this in English I go up here to this little world button and then all the text changes to English but my menu buttons are still in Spanish I can actually enter something I can go back to my Spanish and it remains there for me so let’s try the Spanish speech to text so here we question so here’s hear it in now I’m on this question the button still in Spanish but create your own method for using the votes to decide a winner explain your method using the information from table one to determine the winning pet so that is how the Spanish speech to text works so previously the students would have only gotten the English version um of this so this is the switching back and forth between the languages that’s the new setting I’m G to stop sharing so we’re we have lots to share if we have time we can come back and I can show you more so accommodations was that third tier again we have some embedded supports and then some things that are non-embedded someone’s got to bring it to the test session so accommodations is really that level that is reserved for students who have an IEP or a 504 and those accommodations have been pre-identified by the IEP team or the 504 team again this is not something that should ever be a day of testing decision and especially in these circumstances we want to make sure the student is using this regularly during daily instruction and again those should always be being evaluated with the student in mind what’s important here some things to note is that speech to text and word prediction can be both embedded and non-embedded for the student so again it becomes kind of that student preference it just really depends right like that student preference are they okay with the embedded version or do we need to use the version that they are used to in the classroom so we cannot show you the the speech to text accommodation because it only works within the secure browser you can so the way to try it out is to use the TA practice interface and to use the student secure browser um we cannot use it in the guest mode that I was showing you like with all the other things that is the one thing that we cannot do so there are full directions for how to do that in the try out speech to text document that Tony linked to on an earlier slide and how it looks in the student test is it’s only for these questions that have that have this HTML toolbar most often seen in the ELA or the math performance tasks and it’s that uh little oldfashioned my microphone button and there’s also a speech to text Tech check check the beginning of the test as the student logs in and the student will click on that button and then they start talking and then the words start appearing on the screen and so if a student is using that a lot in the classroom please use that try out speech to text document to try that with the student within the secure browser to see if the embedded option is one that will work for them the embedded word prediction tool is actually by cowriter they worked with cambium to embed the cowriter word prediction within the system so please know that if a student is using co-writer in the classroom on their machine that co-writer is not going to talk to the secure browser so anything that the student has done in that is not is not going to go into the secure browser but how it kind of works with the numbers and stuff should be familiar to students who have been using co-writer in other programs what if you decide that you have a student who needs to use the non-embedded one we allow that but what’s important to note is you can’t use the non-embedded just so you can enable things that the embedded one doesn’t allow if you’re using a non-embedded word prediction program you can only allow single word prediction and basic dictionary phonetic spelling and text to speech feature also consider headphones unless tested individually and students could use their own at devices what is not allowed so you’d have to go in and deactivate phras prediction predict ahead next word and deactivate any expanded dictionary such as topic dictionary or word Bank the non-embedded accommodation uh text help can support you and how to do that but now really with the embedded tool being co-writer it’s so easy you know most people will probably just stick to it that way here I had a slide for another vendor called word q and I was was kind of double-checking up on that and their their whole management changed the link changed there’s no exam mode that I could find linked on their new website so I deleted that so really it’s going to depend no matter what if you have a different word prediction tool than co-writer you’re going to have to work with the vendor on how to set it up with the criteria that that Tony had mentioned earlier that’s really the thing it can be non embedded but it has to be set up with those certain things that are allowed or disallowed in order for it to work ospi does have a process for accommodations and or designated supports that are not addressed in our gtsa so those can be submitted to the state what’s important is if we’ve already addressed it in the gtsa we won’t allow you to use something that isn’t there so that’s that’s important you will have to answer some questions regarding classroom and instructional use and how it is to be used on the assessment the next slide I will talk to you how we evaluate those we ask ourselves does the requesting feature go beyond what is already provided and available for example we have calculator allowed and calculator not allowed items we would not allow through this process calculators to be used on non-calculator allowed items but also this one also will ask does that specific feature in the software violate what the assessment is designed to measure again calculators on non-calculator allows sections would never be approved and then we’re asking does that feature give the user access to more additional or more specific context information than is provided to other test takers so is it giving them an advantage instead of access they do have to designate these testing supports in the IEP right it depends are we talking about the how is one identified how is one typically identify teacher requests um maybe it depends maybe right so Universal tools no one needs to be identified designated supports again it needs to be someone who is familiar with the student and the needs of the student and we strongly encourage you to involve the student in that conversation for anything at that accommodation level that is identified by the students’s IEP team or the 504 nobody else the the School Janitor cannot decide a student needs accommodation that has to go through the I team and it has to be documented in the students IEP and you don’t want to decide that all of your students who getting English language development services that they all need the Spanish version of the test I mean in some places that’s a very small portion of the ELD population but also some some students are not getting instruction in that and they might find the Spanish really uh not helpful and so you can’t just there’s not an easy you know check this box and then all of these kids it and it is particular to which feature we are talking about if you have questions around how am I assessing or triing taking data on these accommodations in order to make these decisions reach out to the specialed text Center there are some formal tools such as upup par to look at text to speech if that’s needed which takes some some data and lets you know how that improves the students’s performance or does not a big thing with speech to text is really making sure you’ve trained the student to utilize it and so we have a training guide that’s many educators are using so the main thing is to be implementing these not just in the State Testing but with the students the other thing I was going to mention is if your District does not have an at consideration process we’re working with many districts on that on our website under kind of best practices in at we have a nice decision Tree on assisted technology within the IEP with the data you have and also the difference between consideration and assessment and is there something you guys you know come across when you’re implementing where you get stuck or you have a question about it or or maybe you want to share how you’ve done it successfully we just wanted to give an opportunity for sharing so if you want to say something could put it in the chat window Williams asking do you have a link to that decision tree we should be able to get that what is the best way to have students utilize speech to text well that’s a great question I think like Tony wheeler probably needs to be tested in a separate space or Pony wheeler is going to be really loud and distracting um so I think that’s kind of some of the trying it out is kind of thinking about what Dynamics are going to work some students if everybody’s if there’s a lot of people talking that could be very distracting for some test takers even if they have headphones so I think those are some of those considerations around setting where you’re going to actually test the student that need to be thought through I wouldn’t put a whole classroom to go of 20 kids I think when we talk about small group I think we’re thinking three to five but I think it all depends on your Space 3 to five kids in a closet is very different than three to five kids spread out in a classroom or something like that so those are things you’re just going to have to evaluate the number you’re going have to evaluate the space you might also consider like that might be the time when you have like a third grader testing with the fifth grader so they’re not responding to similar content at the same time which could be really confusing or do you have dividers that you could put up to muffle some of the Ambient sound in the rooms we don’t know your testing scenario to really tell you what’s the best way but those are things I’d be thinking about number of students the space you have available and then kind of other factors around students and their needs I was just going to reiterate Kristen’s comment at using noise cancelling headsets for when you’re doing speech detects especially like a testing setting would probably be really important and sey has some available if you want to check some out try them out chrisy asked really early on about read alloud accommodations like she said does it does it not need to be preapproved does it have to be pre-approved by by OPI read aloud is in our is an accommodation it’s in it so if it’s in the gtsa as alloud does not need any preapproval by OPI it does require marking in tide ahead of time and the person who is doing the read alloud there’s some read alloud guidelines and I think if you look in the gtsa in that section about read alloud it talks about that the person who’s being the being the reader has to follow those read alloud guidelines and um because in it’s an accommodation yes it does need to be in a in an IEP or 504 plan but it does not need further justification from you at the district that a student needs it and you also have to think for speech to text what tests are they doing the um Ela performance task is a big long old essay so that’s different than students doing a math performance task who might be you know doing math and then like speaking out a short answer um so that’s something to consider um with um with the students for um for for putting them in the same room together there’s a great question does anyone know if IEP online can produce a spreadsheet of 504 testing accommodation that’s a great question anyone know out there in our group that question came to us earlier this week too I’m thinking that IEP online probably is not a place where you’re capturing 504 information they have both Christy says they have both excellent Kathy Booth says yes apparently you can get to that somebody else says they don’t house 504s in IEP online so you might have to pull from they’re saying Skyward but that would be your local student information system this would be something I would go to your District assessment coordinator so as far as where they go when they have questions Beyond this webinar and the specialed tech center is a great place to go if you are considering assist of Technology needing some support with what does at assessment look like those decisions that the IEP team needs to make ahead of time but as far as specifics on testing should I share the slides again do we have a and if you have questions about a support we do have a gtsa email address which I just put in the chat that is another great place to send questions or you can email myself or katd on here so even if you have a question like I would say like do I need to apply for non-standard accommodation for this go ahead and reach out first like we’ll we’ll guide you through whether or not we will most likely approve or not or if you’re just like what about this I’m really good at logic out cuz sometimes there is a disconnect between what we call it in the IEP or call it in instruction compared to what the test named it so even there helping to strengthen that connection between what could that look like and is it already captured the PowerPoint that that you’re seeing today we’ll have that posted on the csy website and then we’ll probably also have an easy way on our YouTube channel to get to the whole session recording so please share this with your colleagues that couldn’t make it here today and special thank you to Tony and Cara who worked really hard on on all this information that we’ve updated thank you all for spending your time with us thank you and special thanks to christe no problem have a great day everyone