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Home » 05/16/2023, Book Study: The Mentor’s Guide- Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, Session 3. Chapter 4: Preparing- Getting Ready for the Mentoring Relationship

05/16/2023, Book Study: The Mentor’s Guide- Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships, Session 3. Chapter 4: Preparing- Getting Ready for the Mentoring Relationship

Date: 05/16/2023 Time: 12:00-1:00 Location: internet Type: Webinar


In The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships (Third Edition), veteran mentoring experts Lois J. Zachary and Lisa Z. Fain deliver a thoughtful and rich exploration of the critical process of mentoring. The book offers practical tools for facilitating the mentoring experience from beginning to end. Mentor’s Guide explores the critical process of mentoring in educational, nonprofit, corporate, and government environments. Managers, teachers and leaders in any setting will benefit from these practical tools for facilitating the mentoring experience from beginning to end.” Read the full book description on our website. 
Join leaders in the field of education, and assistive technology to learn indispensable tools to navigate your learning and mentoring journey. FREE books will be provided by Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession for Washington State educators while supplies last!

Tuesdays at 12:00 May 2nd through June 6th
Session 1 – Ch. 1: Grounding the Work of Mentoring, pg. 1-32
Session 2 – Ch. 2 & 3: The Context of Difference & The Context of Connection, pg. 79-96
Session 3 – Ch. 4: Preparing: Getting Ready for the Mentoring Relationship, pg. 101-134
Session 4 – Ch. 5: Negotiating: Establishing Agreements, pg. 135-166
Session 5 – Ch. 6 & 7: Enabling Growth pg. 167-225  
Session 6 – Ch. 8 & 9: Coming to Closure & Digging Deeper, pg. 225-249


Dan Herlihy, MA

Brenda Del Monte, MA, SLP-CCC
Brenda Del Monte has been working as a therapist for over 18 years. Brenda received her undergraduate degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences from the University of Washington and her Masters in Speech-Language Pathology at Western Washington University. She has worked with children and adults with multiple disabilities since 2003. Brenda owns Technically Speaking, PLLC, a company that serves those who use AAC.  As an expert in AAC, Brenda contracts with Advanced Therapy Solutions to evaluate, train and treat those with multiple disabilities and complex medical conditions. 

Brenda serves as a practice scholar research mentor at Northern Arizona University’s OTD program. Brenda has taught courses for Central Washington University, Arizona State University Speech-Language Pathology SLP Master’s Program and Northern Arizona University Occupational Doctoral students.


Email Sue Wright at the SETC office

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