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Home » 11/09/2022, Book Study: Control Alt Achieve Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects – Google Slides

11/09/2022, Book Study: Control Alt Achieve Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects – Google Slides

Date: 11/09/2022 Time: 12:00-1:00 Location: internet Type: Meeting


For several years, Eric Curts has been teaching us how to use Google tools in innovative ways to enhance teaching and reach all learners.  Now he has created a book in which he has provided step by step directions for you to learn “how to use common digital tools in unexpected ways.”  In this book study we will explore the four sections of the book and try out some of the ideas together.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore innovative ways to engage students using Google tools.
  2. Learn new ideas to use Google Docs, Slides, Drawings, and Sheets to engage students.
  3. Learn new creative ideas to interact with Google Docs, Slides, Drawings and Sheets


Session 1, 11-2-22 – Rebooting Google Docs

Session 2, 11-9-22 – Rebooting Google Slides

Session 3, 11-16-22 – Rebooting Google Drawing

Session 4, 11-30-22 – Rebooting Google Sheets


Linda Doehle, AT Specialist
Linda Doehle started her career as a software engineer after completing her degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics at Whitworth College.  She brought her technical skills to the field of assistive technology while working as an Assistive Technology Specialist for the Yakima School District.  Linda holds an AT Specialist Certificate and enjoys being able to use her technology skills in helping students optimize their abilities using assistive technology.  Linda has been with the Special Education Technology Center for eleven years and has presented webinars and classes at national and statewide conferences. 

Sarah Kinsella, MA CCC-SLP

Sarah Kinsella is a Speech-Language Pathologist with a passion for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and supporting students with complex communication needs. She holds a Master’s degree in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and has worked in the public school setting for 11 years. She also served as the district Assistive Technology Specialist for 7 years, working with multidisciplinary teams and families to support students with a variety of Assistive Technology and AAC needs. She is passionate about her field and thankful for the students with whom she works as they help her learn and grow along the way.


Email Sue Wright at the SETC office

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