Communication for Students with Complex Needs: The Key to Success (Deafblind focus)

Presenters: Emma Packard, TVI and Kathee Scoggin, Deaf/Blind Consultant
Dates: Sept. 25, Oct. 2, Oct 9, Oct 23, Nov. 6, Nov 20, Dec. 4, Jan. 15, Jan 29, Feb. 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar. 12, Mar. 26, Apr. 2
Children and youth who are deafblind have many concepts and skills to learn before language is achieved, most of which are learned by other children incidentally. Not so for students who are deafblind. Learn the steps to ensure your students are primed for learning and using language. The strategies and tools learned in this class will prepare educators and parents to better support students across learning settings and within the community.
You will develop or increase your knowledge of:
• how to authentically assess students’ communication
• the ways students can communicate and for what purpose
• how to provide ongoing opportunities for receptive and expressive communication attempts within a daily schedule
• communication strategies for success
• how building relationships and having real conversations with students contributes to the student’s motivation to communicate
• many individualized technology ideas for communication and when a student might be ready for an electronic communication device
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Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!

Kathee Scoggin, Deafblind Consultant
Kathee has 40+ years experience as a teacher, of the deaf and hard of hearing and
multiple disabilities, assessment specialist, principal, and educational consultant with
children (birth to 21) with combined vision and hearing loss including deafblindness.
Kathee continues to provide technical assistance to schools and families regarding their
children and conducts workshops on a variety of topics in her retirement.

Emma Packard, TVI
Since 1996, Emma Packard has been dedicated to working with children and adults with deafblindness across various educational, residential, and community settings. With qualifications including a B.A. in early childhood and elementary education, an M.A. in special education focusing on low incidence disabilities, and dual M.Ed. degrees in special education emphasizing teaching students with low vision and deafblindness, she now serves as a Teacher of Students with Low Vision and Blindness as well as an Orientation and Mobility Specialist for the Snohomish School District, alongside her role as a Deafblind Specialist for the Washington Deafblind Program.
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